martedì 12 gennaio 2010

the Holy Land Experience

On February 5, 2001, the majestic gates of The Holy Land Experience opened, and so began a new adventure in Christian ministry.
The Holy Land Experience, the world's first living, historical, biblical museum, is a dynamic facility that boldly proclaims the truth of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world through fascinating biblical exhibits, profound biblical presentations, and stirring biblical drama and music. It's a thrilling swirl of characters, costumes, and color.
It's a vivid expression of how the truth of God's Word has remained relevant through the ages.

Its founder, Marv Rosenthal, began The Holy Land Experience in obedience to the burden the Lord placed on his heart. That burden was to passionately teach the Word of God in its historical, cultural, and geographical context.
On August 17, 2002, The Scriptorium: Center for Biblical Antiquities opened, featuring the one-of-a-kind Van Kampen Collection of biblically related artifacts, scrolls, manuscripts, and early printed editions of the Bible.
In addition to the exciting, educational venues featured at The Holy Land Experience in Orlando, Florida, the ministry also faithfully shares its message throughout the world by numerous means, including books, CDs, DVDs, a nationally-broadcast radio program, and the Internet.

Il sito, che consiglio appassionatamente di visitare, è Alcune curiosità: il biglietto d'ingresso per gli adulti costa 35 dollari, in alternativa si può acquistare il Jerusalem Gold Pass, con cui potrete entrare quante volte volete.
Attenzione: il parco sta cercando attori fra i 18 e gli 80 anni! Compilate il modulo sul sito, non lasciatevi perdere l'occasione! E poi dicono che c'è crisi e non si trova più lavoro.
(grazie a Bush per la segnalazione e il sostegno)

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